School Prayer
Oh God, Leaving our warm loving homes,
We have come here in this pristine
Atmosphere under the able guidance
Of our teachers to learn the wisdom
Of action and life.
Oh God,
Be merciful and help us
Learn all through the day
And throughout our life.
The Pledge
India is my country
All Indians are my brothers and sisters
I love my country and I am proud of its rich
And varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect
And treat everyone with courtesy
To my country and my people
I pledge my devotion.
In their well-being and prosperity alone
Lies my happiness.
National Anthem
Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka, jaya he
Panjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha,
Dravid, Utkala, Banga
Vindhya, Himachala, Yamuna, Ganga,
Tava shubha name jage,
Tava shubha aashish maange,
Gahe tava jaya gaatha,
Jana-gana-mangala-daayaka, jaya he
Jaya he, Jaya he, Jaya he,
Jaya jaya jaya jaya he.