- Students must bring their diary to school every day and follow the diary and WhatsApp class group updates daily.
- Students must be well-groomed at all times and wear the prescribed school uniform.
- Girls with long hair should braid it and tie it with a black ribbon; short hair must be trimmed regularly.
- Students must refrain from bringing valuable items to school.
- Silence must be maintained in corridors, classrooms, and the library.
- Punctuality is essential at all times.
- Leave applications must be submitted to the class mentor in advance.
- Students suffering from contagious diseases should not come to school.
- School transport is available within a 5 km radius.
- Any change of address or contact details must be reported to the office immediately.
- All students must attend school regularly and punctually (online/offline).
- Attendance on the reopening day after each vacation and the last day of each term is compulsory.
- Parents must submit a leave application form if a student is absent for more than two days. This may be done via email or in writing on a proper sheet of paper addressed to the class teacher.
- When a student returns to school after an absence of even a single day or half-day, parents must state the reason in the school diary.
- Tests and examinations will not be rescheduled, even if the absence is due to illness or any other reason.
- A minimum of 85% attendance for each term is compulsory. Consideration will be given if the medical reason is justified. Students with attendance below 60% will have to repeat the class.
- Students should be well-groomed at all times and wear the prescribed school uniform on all working days.
- Girls with long hair should be neatly braided with a black hair band, and short hair must be trimmed regularly.
- Students must refrain from bringing valuable items to school.
- Students must maintain silence while walking along the corridors, using the stairs, and going to the library or other rooms.
- All students are answerable to school authorities for their conduct and behavior both within and outside the school.
- Punctuality is essential at all times.
- If there is a valid and important reason for a child to take leave from school, parents must submit a leave application in advance to the class mentor.
- Even during holidays/vacations, students visiting the school must be in regular school uniform.
- A student suffering from a contagious illness or infection should not attend school. They must produce a medical fitness certificate upon their return.
- Students are strictly prohibited from purchasing any food items from vendors outside school premises.
- The school offers transport facilities to students as far as possible.
- Any change of residence of the student should be communicated to the school in writing to arrange a suitable route.
- Any change of address or telephone numbers must be notified immediately to the office, in writing, with appropriate approval from the principal.
- For fast and effective communication, please register your phone number with the school's UOLO software.
- Students are responsible for their books and belongings. Books must be brought to school as per the timetable.
- Library books must be handled with care and returned on the scheduled date.
- Students must keep the school premises clean. Litter must be thrown only in the litter bins.
- Students are not allowed to wear any jewelry.
- Parents and students are requested to read the contents of this diary carefully and familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the school.
- Students must bring the diary to school every day, as it is the means of communication between teachers and parents.
School Policies
- Self Discipline is important.
- The school begins at 8:30am. All students are expected to reach the school before the bell rings
- Pupils should maintain hygiene and cleanliness within the school campus and in the bus
- Pupils should behave politely.
- The medium of instruction and communication is English on the school campus
- Under no pretext can a pupil miss any teaching, games/activity period unless prior permission is taken. The Academic Head and Co-Ordinators are the points of contact for all communications
Note to Parents
- Parents should ensure discipline and punctuality.
- They should adhere to school rules regarding leave, uniforms, and fees.
- They must check the student’s diary daily.
- Admission from Grade 1 onwards is based on an entrance test.
- Transfer certificate (TC) applications should be submitted before February 25th.